How Underwater Green Lights Help To Attract Fish in Your Dock

Fishing at night can be full of mystery and fun at the same time until you are tired in your boat and waiting for some fish to take the bait? In that scenario, artificial fishing lights come in handy.

Fishing lights have been used for many years. People in the older times used to hang a lantern on the boat side for attracting small fishes and insects.

Now the question arises that how authentic is the effectiveness of these lights? The justification for using these lights lies behind the fact that it can initiate a food chain reaction. Many of the microscopic animals known as zooplankton are pretty much attracted to these colorful lights.

Zooplankton is a type of phytoplankton. They’re usually not visible to the human eye but can also be larger in some cases. These tiny creatures in return attract bait fishes like minnows and shads which attract larger fishes creating a natural food chain.

Why Does Color Matters?

Now when we know the science behind using these lights, we can narrow down to color selection.

Many artificial fish light colors are available in the market which includes red, green, and blue. Unfortunately, all the lights do not function the same. The reason behind the difference in their effectiveness is due to their wavelength.

Each light has a different wavelength which decides its intensity to penetrate deep into the water. The more the penetration, the higher are the chances to effectively initiate the food chain reaction.

Comparatively, red lights have a shorter wavelength that won’t work effectively underwater. Blue lights have a longer wavelength than the red ones but not as effective as the green lights.

Blue light is not as bright as a green light. However, the brighter light underwater is the white light but the distance traveling is not as much as the green light.

How Do Underwater Green Lights Help?

Green lights help to attract the fishes present in the depth of water. These lights have a greater wavelength which helps it to penetrate deep into the water and illuminate from bottom to top.

This color is not only bright and intense but also has a great ability to travel in water. This ability to travel in light is all due to its greater wavelength as discussed earlier.

The Food Chain is the Key!

It all makes sense after understanding the science behind lights. As green light is more attractive, it has a greater ability to attract microorganisms underwater.

The chances of attracting bait fishes are increased when the zooplankton are more and more attracted to the lights. This leads to a continuous cycle of attracting larger fishes that help you a lot in fishing at night-time.

Quantity of Lights

After choosing the right color light, many people become very much optimistic about the performance of these lights underwater. Many still believe to light up the ocean at night for fishing.

Most probably, it is recommended by experts to use two lights at a considerable distance which might help in fishing through the lights in different zones.

This would not only increase your chances to attract a greater amount of fishes but also helps to experiment with different light colors. In the present case, it is better to switch on both the colored lights.

Fishing from A Dock

If you are fishing from the dock, many factors affect the concentration of catching fish. Believe me, it’s not the lighting issue. The water beneath the dock must also have enough depth to hold the fishes. You won’t be able to attract fishes regardless of the lights you use if none are available in the water.

All the basics including underwater dock light, rods, lures, and fish locators can massively raise the rate of entrapping fishes.

Picking the right spot for fishing also counts a lot as all your efforts with good equipment might go waste if no fishes are previously been trapped in this particular place.  Unsuitable and unhealthy water can never hold fishes no matter what the color of the light is in use.

Sufficient levels and amount of water, oxygen level, and food source along with adequate water temperature are all contributing factors. The quality and the number of fishes could be limited no matter how many underwater lights are present if the above-mentioned features are not provided.

Other Helpful Tips

The placement of light on your dock also plays a vital role. While fishing from a dock, a lot of fishes can be seen in the light. All the fishes cannot be trapped at the same time.

Many of the fishes do not hesitate to bite until they are fully safe even though these big fishes are attracted to these intensified lights.

They even try to scatter the baitfish in the water as they are afraid of scared from the bright lights. To cope with this situation, one can fish on the outer edge of light instead of fishing directly into the light.

The chances of getting the fishes trapped are increased if fishing is done at the outer edge rather than fishing directly with the light. Snook is always hard to catch when directly seen in light.

Fishing at night can be trouble if you don’t have enough skills to work at nighttime. Learning these tips and tricks can enhance your ability to attract various types of fish.

Wrapping Up

Fishes don’t have that high intellectual level to understand the complexity of light’s intensity and colors. Larger fishes getting attracted to bait fishes can prove to be a contributing factor.

Many other characteristics such as sound, movement, the shape can also motivate them for this indistinct behavior. However, other variables such as water characteristics and environment are also considerable features.

Moreover, getting information about what color attracts most of the creatures and how they can initiate the food chain can make your fishing activity more effective and fun! Don’t forget to check these tricks to keep the fish fresh.

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