
first focal plane vs. second focal plane

Understanding First Focal Plane Vs. Second Focal Plane Rifle Scopes

When buying a new variable rifle scope, there are many factors you might consider. However, an overlooked factor that many enthusiasts miss is whether the reticle of your scope is placed on the first or second focal plane. To some, this might be confusing and thus difficult to consider when buying a new rifle scope. …

Understanding First Focal Plane Vs. Second Focal Plane Rifle Scopes Read More »

Best Rifle Scope Manufacturers

18 Best Rifle Scope Manufacturers In 2022 [Quick Overview]

Finding a scope is simple, but trying to get the best rifle scope seems like a difficult job. And do you know why? Because not every company has the capacity to make durable and useful scopes. Imagine spending several bucks and not getting satisfaction while you’re on the hunt. Painful, right? Remember! There’s no way …

18 Best Rifle Scope Manufacturers In 2022 [Quick Overview] Read More »

why do hunters pattern their shotguns

Why Do Hunters Pattern Their Shotguns? [Here’s Why & How To Do It]

Learning how to shoot and how to select the right shooting equipment is quite essential for hunting. However, aside from those two, hunters should know to do a lot of things. They should learn how properly operate the firearm that they are using. It would be quite impossible to get the most out of a …

Why Do Hunters Pattern Their Shotguns? [Here’s Why & How To Do It] Read More »

what is eye relief and how it works

What Is Eye Relief And How It Works? [Quick Guide For Beginners]

Finding a clear shot through your rifle’s lens while you’re on a hunt or participating in any US sports event is mandatory. You just can’t compromise as sometimes you get a single opportunity to prove your skills. But ask yourself, is a good and expensive gun enough to do wonders? Nope! Certainly, it isn’t. To …

What Is Eye Relief And How It Works? [Quick Guide For Beginners] Read More »